Natural Resources

LNR Website

Where can I find reports, permit applications, or other documents?

Use the 'Available Documents' search tool that can be found on every page of the website. The search tool restricts the list of documents based on the section of the website you're viewing. If you want to view all documents. try opening the search tool from the top-level page in the site.

How can I find contact details for a LNR staff member?

Where can I find job announcements for LNR?

Job vacancies for LNR are handled through the LIBC Human Resources Department. You can access their current webpage here.
(Rosario Strait)

  Gooseberry Tides

Data sourced from USDOC/NOAA/NOS/COOPS (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services Disclaimer: The official Tide and Tidal Current prediction tables are published annually on October 1, for the following calendar year. Tide and Tidal Current predictions generated prior to the publishing date of the official tables are subject to change. The enclosed data are based upon the latest information available as of the date of your request. Tide and Tidal Current predictions generated may differ from the official predictions if information for the station requested has been updated since the publishing date of the official tables. For more information visit NOAA/COOPS website

Available Documents

There are no documents currently available in the LNR Website portion of the website.

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