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Jeremy Freimund, P.H.
Jeremy worked for the Lummi Nation from 1996 until 2017, and was the Water Resources Manager from 1997 until 2017.
He had a Master of Sciences Degree in Watershed Management and a Bachelor of Sciences Degree in Zoology.Jeremy was a certified Professional Hydrologist (AIH No. 1595).Prior to working for the Lummi Nation he was a Watershed Scientist and a Hydrologist for an environmental consulting firm based in Seattle; a Research Technician for the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Tucson, Arizona; a Project Assistant for Catholic Relief Services, and a Rural Community Development Agent for Peace Corps.His Peace Corps and Catholic Relief Services work was performed in Senegal (West Africa) where he worked for five years.
During his time at Lummi, Jeremy was instrumental in shaping the development of Lummi's water program, as well as assisting in many other technical capacities for the Natural Resources department and the LIBC. He was a great manager and team leader, and he is missed greatly by his team both as a mentor and a friend.
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