Natural Resources

Shellfish Stock Assessment

Harvest Management staff conduct shellfish stock assessments to determine trends in the relative abundance of harvested populations over time.

Knowing whether a population is trending upward, downward, and responding to fishing effort or other events, helps the LNR Harvest Manager make informed decisions that support the long-term sustainability of resources, while also maximizing opportunities for tribal fishermen that depend on those resources.

Manila Clams

Assessments of shellfish stocks are mostly restricted to Manila clam surveys on Lummi Reservation beaches. The annual Manila clam surveys allow us to set sustainable harvest targets that also maximize harvest opportunity. Annual Manila clam surveys have been conducted most years since 2002.

Dive Surveys

In 2013, Harvest Management staff also began conducting subtidal surveys of sea cucumber and geoduck clam stocks.

Other Intertidal Species

Additionally, a pre-disaster inventory of the reservation tidelands for all intertidal species was also conducted in 2009. See the Lummi Intertidal Baseline Inventory for more details).


Note that finfish population surveys are primarily conducted by the Stock Assessment Division. However, Harvest Management staff are involved in sampling finfish that are caught in Lummi fisheries.

(Rosario Strait)

  Gooseberry Tides

Data sourced from USDOC/NOAA/NOS/COOPS (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services Disclaimer: The official Tide and Tidal Current prediction tables are published annually on October 1, for the following calendar year. Tide and Tidal Current predictions generated prior to the publishing date of the official tables are subject to change. The enclosed data are based upon the latest information available as of the date of your request. Tide and Tidal Current predictions generated may differ from the official predictions if information for the station requested has been updated since the publishing date of the official tables. For more information visit NOAA/COOPS website

Available Documents

There are 18 documents currently available in the Shellfish Stock Assessment portion of the website.