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The TERO Commission is a commission appointed by the Lummi Indian Business Council for the purpose of Promoting, maintaining, encouraging, and preserving the unique rights of Native Americans in employment.
The TERO Commission is comprised of (5) Regular Commission members, (1) Alternate Commission Member, and (1) LIBC Ex-Offico (LCL 25.03.010 (b)). Each member is upheld to the standard as an LIBC Employee who represents the Lummi Nation and will have authority and powers vested to them by the Lummi Indian Business Council which they will also be held to a higher level of code of ethics and confidentiality, refrain from conflict of interest, and have the ability to make recommendations of policy level changes to better reach its overall purpose and goals for the Lummi Nation.
The TERO Commission is designed to
TERO Director will post a position for the Vacant Seat's in FY 23. Please visit Re: JOBSNOW tab to submit a 1) LIBC application, 2) Cover Letter and Resume, 3) along with your letter of interest.