Water Reclamation
The Water Resources Division evaluated the water reclamation and reuse opportunities on the Reservation and at the Lummi Nation owned and operated Skookum Creek Fish Hatchery during 1998. The evaluation consisted of a review of current regulations and standards for reclaiming and reusing wastewater, an inventory and characterization of potential sources of wastewater, identification of the costs associated with water reclamation and reuse, and an assessment of wastewater reuse opportunities for each source.
In general, current water reclamation and reuse opportunities on the Reservation are limited by the costs to: 1) monitor the reclaimed water quality, 2) provide additional treatment to the available wastewater, 3) convey the reclaimed water to places of reuse, and 4) the relatively low cost of potable water. At some time in the future, especially with new economic development activities, water reclamation and reuse may become more cost effective.
Find the full report in Available Documents.