Watershed Restoration

Larson's Reach Phase 2

Larson's Reach Phase 2 In-stream Restoration

The Larson's Reach Phase 2 In-stream Restoration Project is located between river miles 19.6 and 21.2 on the main stem of the South Fork Nooksack, including off channels, in Hamilton, Washington (Skagit County).

Project goal:
The goal of the Larson’s Reach Phase 2 project is to restore salmonid spawning, rearing and holding habitat in order to recover self-sustaining salmonid runs to harvestable levels by addressing limiting factors of temperature and habitat diversity and quantity in the reach.

Project objectives:
1. Create 3 primary pool habitat units in cool water refuge areas.
2. Increase floodplain and side channel connectivity to up to 1.42 miles of off channel rearing habitat
3. Increase habitat quality and diversity by creating 20 primary pool habitat units
4. Increase stability of four existing mid-channel islands by constructing six logjams