Jeff Solomon
Main LIBC Line: (360)312-2000
LIBC Emergency Hotline: (360)380-6998

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Jeff Solomon joined Lummi Natural Resources in August 2016 as an intern while studying at Northwest Indian College. He originally started in the Stock Assessment Division devoting efforts to studying Pacific salmon. Jeff spent much of his time assisting in the studies of the Chinook juvenile outmigration, and also as adults returning to spawn in the South and Middle forks of the Nooksack River.

Jeff also served as a liaison between the LNR and the Science department at Northwest Indian College for several seasons during the month of November for the annual hooligan run (Longfin Smelt Spirinchus thaleichthys), for a project overseen by Dr. Rachel Arnold.

Jeff joined the Water Resources Division in January 2019 and currently serves as a Natural Resources Specialist I, specializing in water quality monitoring, wetlands protection, and mitigation bank operations. Jeff is also Lummi Nation's Oil Spill Response Coordinator. Jeff currently holds a Bachelors degree in Native Environmental Science from Northwest Indian College.

Jeff is also a 14-year veteran of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Contact information:

Office: (360) 312-2301

Mobile: (360) 201-7567




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