Natural Resources

Fraser River Sockeye (2024)

Test Fishing and In-season Management

To measure the actual run coming back and to reduce the uncertainty in the estimate, staff from the Fraser River Panel are monitoring the number of Sockeye return at several places throughout the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Johnstone Strait and the lower Fraser River. Data from test fishing will be used to update the in-season estimate of run-size. This is important to know because the run size numbers and therefore the harvestable surplus will be changing throughout the season.

Click here to see test fishing results

Forecast and In-Season Run Size Estimates

The forecast for the 2024 Fraser River sockeye run is the lowest on record. Given the data from test fishing and the hydroacoustic counts at Mission, the in-season estimates are agreeing with the the preseason forecast. Given the low returns it is highly unlikely that there will be harvestable surplus for tribal fisheries.

(Rosario Strait)

  Gooseberry Tides

Data sourced from USDOC/NOAA/NOS/COOPS (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services Disclaimer: The official Tide and Tidal Current prediction tables are published annually on October 1, for the following calendar year. Tide and Tidal Current predictions generated prior to the publishing date of the official tables are subject to change. The enclosed data are based upon the latest information available as of the date of your request. Tide and Tidal Current predictions generated may differ from the official predictions if information for the station requested has been updated since the publishing date of the official tables. For more information visit NOAA/COOPS website

Available Documents

There are 44 documents currently available in the Fraser River Sockeye (2024) portion of the website.

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