TERO Mission
To preserve, promote and protect our Schelangen through increasing employment and training opportunities and to eradicate discrimination against
Lummi Tribal members and other Native Americans on or near the Lummi
Reservation. Develop and maintain a cooperative working relationship with
contractors and subcontractors while working under the guidelines of the TERO
Ordinance. Referring qualified tribal members for employment and training.
To have 100% Native American Workforce helping build the economy of the Lummi Nation.
TERO Referral Application
TERO Referral 2023
(2023) Teresa Ray
Welcome to Lummi TERO,
We are excited to have you join our manpower team as we help dispatch the Tribal Workforce on project-based jobs. TERO's goal for every client is to gain the necessary experience in order for you to jump start into a career. There are many career building opportunities in the construction industry, and we are more than happy to assist you in finding what fits you.
How to Apply
In order to be a client of Lummi TERO you need to bring the following information in with your application.
- TERO Referral Application - Completed & Signed
- State Drivers License/ State Identification
- Birth Certificate
- Tribal ID Card/ Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB)
- Trade Certifications
Once you have all that information gathered, please either call our office at (360) 312-2287 to set up an appointment for in-take and job applicant review or email us at TERO@lummi-nsn.gov. A member of our team will be happy to reach out to you to set up a meeting either in person, over the phone, or in zoom. (Please note Lummi TERO will follow LIBC Public Health Team Recommendations for interactions and will schedule appointments accordingly. Providing a valid phone number or email is important for on time appointments and follow through for services.
Client Services
Support Services 2023
(2023) Teresa Ray
TERO Relicensing 2023
(2023) Teresa Ray
During your intake, a member of the TERO Department will work with you to get information based on qualifications for services. TERO operates on limited funding, so we often will ask you to work with our community partners in order to better provide the services you need. TERO Services could include the following:
- Drivers Re- License Support (Valued up to $500.00/per Life Time)
- Construction Related Work Clothes ( Valued up to $300.00)
- Tools (Valued up to $500.00 per life time and on need basis)
- Union Dues (Up to 3-months)
- TWIC Card
- Construction & Safety Training (limited seating)
Our goal for TERO Clients is to provide with you with the basic resources to support you entering a career. Our funding will be restricted to Construction/Trade specific support. If you are entering a career in professional/administrative services, we will ask you to reach out to a community partner during the intake review meeting.